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Oppose State Senate Bill 827


Don’t Let Sacramento Take Away Our Local Control Oppose State Senate Bill 827

SB 827 says it’s about awarding a bonus for building higher and denser housing near “transit-rich” locations (within ½ mile of a major transit stop or ¼ mile of such a stop or a stop on a“high-quality transit corridor”).

Sounds great, right?

But… SB 827 WOULD

Strip San Francisco of much of its power to regulate land use. Maximize development by limiting or eliminating many local zoning controls.

Up-zone as much as 96% of San Francisco, including North Beach and Telegraph Hill.

Override current height limits to allow buildings up to 8 stories (10 stories if, as the bill permits, combined with another state law).

Not really protect rent controlled tenants.

Not provide any affordable housing beyond what the City provides already.

For more information, click on this link to the Legislative Counsel’s Digest and the Bill text. Please email the Board of Supervisors NOW. (Must be done before April 3, the Board of Supervisors hearing. While you can attend, there will be no public testimony.)


(Copy and paste this into an email on your computer)

Dear Supervisors,

My name is ______, a San Francisco resident and voter. I urge you to pass a resolution to oppose State Senate Bill 827. Please flatly oppose the Bill, NOT seek to amend it. Even with amendments, the Bill would transfer power to the State to decide important land use matters for our City. I can think of no reason that any of you should want to turn over to the State those kinds of powers.

Thank you.

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