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2017 Nominees for THD Officers & Board of Directors

The Officer and Director election will happen at this year's Annual Membership Meeting and Dinner at Pier 23 Cafe on Monday, April 24. Here's this year's slate:

If you haven't already, be sure to purchase your seats as soon as possible. We must provide attendee numbers to Pier 23 by Monday, April 17.


Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Annual Membership Meeting and Dinner at Pier 23 Cafe

Monday, April 24

6:00 Cocktails 6:30 Program

- Election for the 2017-2018 Board - Guest Speaker: David Talbot

- Outstanding Hill Dweller Award to Mary Etta Moose

Buffet and No Host Bar*

$30 per person

RSVP no later than April 17

By Mail:

Send your check for $30 per person to

P.O. Box 330159, San Francisco CA 94133

Or pay by debit/credit card or paypal:

Questions: Contact Marilee Gaffney at 415.902.6107 or

*All THD members are invited to attend the meeting portion of the program without charge although RSVP is required.

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