Parks and Trees
Chairman: Don Raichle

From our friends at Save North Beach Village:
Dear Friends of San Francisco trees,
We had a hearing before DPW on Monday, February 25 where we asked DPW to prune the ficus trees rather than remove them. The request was denied and we have filed two appeals with the SF Board of Appeals.

The ficus trees on the 600 block of Columbus Ave near Union St.
The Board of Appeals hearing on the Columbus Ave ficus has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Sept 11, at 5:00, City Hall Room 416. The two appellants are Save North Beach Village (SNBV) and Telegraph Hill Dwellers (THD). SNBV is asking for preservation of all 7 ficus trees next to Washington Square Park. THD is asking for prompt replanting if the trees are removed, and for replanting all empty tree basins within 3-blocks of Washington Square.
At least four other areas in the City are fighting Public Works to preserve their trees: 39 trees in Hayes Valley, 19 trees bordering the SF Main Library, 51 trees on 24th Street, and numerous trees bordering the Water Treatment Plant in the Bayview. More info at
What you can do:
Encourage your friends to visit to learn about the appeals filed to preserve the Washington Square ficus trees
Attend the hearing. You will have up to 3 minutes to tell the Board of Appeals how you feel about preserving the Washington Square trees. We can provide speaking points. You are also welcome to attend and observe without speaking.
Write a letter. You may submit written comments regarding the subject matter to the Board of Appeals. Or, you may email your written comments to the BOA. Letters are due no later than June 13, 2019 at 4:30pm.
Mailing address: Board of Appeals, 1650 Mission St, Room 304, San Francisco, CA 94103.
415-575-6880; Fax 415-575-6880
Subject: Public comment for 600 Columbus Avenue
Note: All information sent to the BOA will be in the public domain and can be viewed by anyone. In you send a letter do not include anything you want to keep private, for example your name, address, etc. If you send an email, you can add at the end, "Please redact my email address."
Contact us at if you would like to attend the hearing or if you have any questions.
Hearing before SF Board of Appeals: Wednesday, June 19, at 5:00, City Hall Room 416.
Statement of Appeal: Save North Beach Village, Telegraph Hill Dwellers.
Web site:
Hearing before SF Board of Appeals: Wednesday, Sept 11, at 5:00, City Hall Room 416.
This appeal was filed in early October 2018 with an initial hearing date of December 12, 2018. Due to rescheduling and other issues it is now scheduled for Weds May 22, 2019. View the filing and supporting documents here: PDF