Welcome to an all-new THD.org
THD is excited to announce an all new home for our online communication. THD.org will now be a resource for timely information on events...

Watch Your Mailbox
Semaphores are arriving in mailboxes all over Telegraph Hill, and beyond. Our award-winning, large-format publication is one of many...

How decades of dynamite reshaped Telegraph Hill.
A tale of explosions, sliding coffins and two murders on Telegraph Hill. . ... The first mention of Telegraph Hill in digital newspaper...

Embarcadero in SF on list of nation’s at-risk historic treasures
Francisco’s Embarcadero has been named one of America’s at-risk historic treasures — not because of development threats, but the looming...

The History of the Telegraph Hill Dwellers
Founded in 1954, the Telegraph Hill Dwellers (THD) is one of the oldest, largest, and most widely respected neighborhood organizations in...

Positions: 115 Telegraph Hill Boulevard Construction
The second construction coordination meeting with the project sponsor took place with the neighborhood on August 30th at the Italian...

Board Meeting: Proposed Urban Design Guidelines
At the September THD board meeting, Jeff Joslin, Director of Current Planning, presented to the Board the process for developing the...

A Celebration of June Osterberg
You are invited to a celebration of June's life Tuesday, September 6th 6:30 - 9:00 pm Barbary Coast Restaurant 478 Green Street Light...

Developer's Neighborhood Meeting Re: 115 Telegraph Hill Boulevard
Notice of Developer's Neighborhood Meeting To Discuss Construction Logistics of a Residential Project At 115 Telegraph Hill Boulevard ...

Join THD for the All San Francisco Symphony Concert
Once again THD has been invited to attend the SF Symphony’s All San Francisco Concert, a special program for service and neighborhood...